Pravendra Singh's Blog


Overall i have done three intership in which two of them were related to core while other is non-core or machine learning based.


I have many projects under the supervision of Dr. Sandeep Yadav and Dr. Deepak Mishra and all of them are related to development , machine learning and deep learning based.


  • Introduced an idea to help tourist in efficiently planning logistics for tourist spots by interconnecting appropriate E-ticket websites
  • Connected E-ticket websites through web frame and researched trustful content about the spots

Predicting Visual Attractiveness of Website using Machine Learning

  • Classification of a website links as appealing/non-appealing using machine learning tools
  • Created our own Feature Matrix to predict the model
  • Extracting HTML/CSS data from the website using web scrapping

Developing software for prediction of solar radiation using Deep learning

  • Predicted Solar Radiation data for the next month using Deep learning
  • Implemented RNN with time series analysis

Developing a bot, which can reply to the question asked through a paragraph

  • Used Bidirectional Encoder Representations(BERT) for obtaining results for NLP problem
  • Learned about the working of BERT, Transformers, Tokenizaton and word Embedding
  • Implemented BERT paper for generating relevant answers for the bot

Image to text and text to image conversion using Adversarial networks

  • Generating medical image from the given textual description

Covid19 Chest ct diagnosis

  • Converting Ct-images to X-ray